Monday, May 27, 2013

Clouds- an inventory

I have many objects in my custody. My room contains about 700 000 objects of which I use perhaps one tenth on a regular basis. How would life change if I just threw out the rest? Far too much of my time is spent carrying, arranging, looking at, intending to use, preserving, cleaning and feeling frustrated at, OBJECTS. They cloud my perspective and induce a paucity of thought. Over a period of 24 hours I typically think lovely thoughts and then when I sit down to write most of them have evaporated and only the negative, useless burdening thoughts cloud my mind. I ascribe this to the load of things that I allow to co-exist in my life without making sure I really use them.

I've decided that this is an experiment worth trying. Below is the list of objects that I use regularly, which I'd like to share with you for help and better insight. Putting things down is supposed to be useful.
Category A: 
Pink umbrella, walking boots, trenchcoat, winter jacket, backpack, suitcase

Category B:
Laptop, mobile phone, MP3 player, wallet, keybunch

Category C: 
Pressure cooker, water boiler, pan, lunch box, knife, peeler, mug, plate

Category D: 
Comb, towels, clothes, toothbrush, soap, shampoo, moisturizer, any other makeup items

Category E:
Books, documents that need to be kept

Ok, after making the list I suspect that even now the number of objects I need is pretty low.

Do give me your suggestions.

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